Sunday, January 28, 2007

Poetic Language vs. Poetry

I never really thought of poetic language as being different than poetry, rather I thought of poetic language as the complement to poetry. To me poetry is created by poetic language, a language so complex yet so powerful that captivates even the deepest emotions. Poetic language, to me, is not just words, for even silence is a language. Words in poetry are but a translator of emotions, of illusions, of dreams that otherwise we might not be able to share. When we use poetic language to describe, for instance, the cold breeze dancing to the rhythm of the roaring waves, it is not simply the words that are captivating but the image that is painted in our minds; that images that evokes a sense of fury and strength yet it remains so overwhelming. What I am trying to say is that words do not stand on their own, it is a language, which implies so much more, what keeps them walking. and tome, it is poetic language what makes poetry resonate with even the tightest cords in our beings.

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